American Football Card Match
American football, alluded to as football in the United States and Canada, and furthermore known as "turf football" or essentially "turf", is a game played by two groups of eleven players on a rectangular field with goal lines at each end. The offense, the group with control of the oval-molded football, endeavors to propel down the field by running with or passing the ball, while the group without control of the ball, the safeguard, plans to stop their development and assume command over the ball for themselves. The offense should progress no less than ten yards in four downs, or plays, or, in all likelihood they surrender the football to the rival group; on the off chance that they succeed, they are given another arrangement of four downs. Focuses are principally scored by propelling the ball into the rival group's end zone for a score or kicking the ball through the adversary's goal lines for a field objective. The group with the most focuses toward the finish of a game dominates.
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